Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas At Church

Well, "it takes all kinds". We have spent time celebrating both tradtions of Christmas with our family at Church in the past few weeks.
Pictured above is our oldest in his stage perfoming debut as none other than "Jesus". That's right, his first ever performance and he was asked to play "young Jesus", he would tell you he played "4-year old Jesus", something he could seemingly relate to very well. In the foreground is "baby Jesus", played by our youngest becuase "he's a baby" his brother said!
Mommy played Mary, of course, and pictures of her in her lovely costume have amazingly dissapeared, haha!
The boys were part of the "Stations of the Crib" and enjoyed their time up on the altar/stage.
We also took the family to breakfast with Santa, where we ate, made crafts, visited with the big guy himself and spent time chatting with friends and fellow parishioners. We enjoyed both activities.