After just reading a friends blog I feel so much better. She just added their first post in four months, she said after a busy summer, the problem wasn't finding something to blog about, it was finding the time to blog!! My sentiment exactly. So, I have gone back in our family photo archives to June 2009 and will give you a sample of the things that kept us busy these past few months. Hope you enjoy the view of snanshots into our everyday lives.
The order is a little mixed up, but this was the introduction into the football season. Training camp, which can't come too soon for me, after the dry spell of no football news since the draft in early spring. Thankfully, our team is keeping us smiling so far this season. Although our boys enjoyed the ropes course more than the football players, it was great to see them all in some orange and black. Who Dey!

The boys enjoyed plenty of fresh air and sunshine this summer, many afternoons spent hanging out on our deck, where I could keep an eye on all three of them at once. They're watching a bug they had found on this plant.

After catching a Reds Game earlier in the day, we took a drive South to Big Bone and played some putt putt, so the summer was full of sports, too.

Even our youngest enjoyed himself, such a happy baby!

What's summer without Ice Cream!!

We finally took our boys rock climbing. Our middle guy climbs All the time at home, but was, unfortunately, a little hindered by his harness.

A summer trip to the zoo with friends. Had a great day.

Some indoor activities, or "projects" as the boys call this, kept us busy, too. Here they are creating cards for Father's Day. We love our daddy!

We attended a minor league game close to our house early in the season with some friends, and had fun playing a little ball of our own in the viewing area.

This was taken on one of the few very hot days this summer at the March for Life in Newport, Kentucky. An annual event we really enjoy attending.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this sample of photos, I'll try to keep them coming.