Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Early Bird Gets the Worm...

... and the early baby gets the (milk) so the saying goes. Yes, our son arrived sooner than expected. He was born this past Friday (8.17.07), three weeks prior to his anticipated arrival. Here are a few pics capturing the moments and memories following his birth. Enjoy!

Mommy and Daddy holding their two boys.

Grandpa and Grandma taking a moment to introduce themselves to their newest grandchild.

The cousins hammer out specifics for initiating the lil' one into their possee, while uncle and nephew discuss the nuances between the windsor and double-windsor.

Nanna and Grandpa and baby.

"I'm feeling a lot of love man."
- Filmore, Cars

Big brother seeing how his lilttle brother will measure up!

Mommy and the boys... and bear.


Jennifer said...

Congratulations! So precious....The Schmoll's

Adam and Annette said...

Great job on the blog, gang. Good touch with the borders and special effects. Great photos too!


Shachi said...

Congrautlations you guys. Very beautiful family and the blog too.